A Heart of Compassion

Matt. 9:35-38 (NKJV)

No matter where Jesus traveled or visited, He always showed a heart of compassion for the needs of the people. In the scriptures here in Matthew, we see Jesus traveling through different cities and villages, healing the sick and meeting the needs of the people. It’s pretty evident by the last verse in this chapter, that the Lord wants us to be doing the same.

I see a strong similarity to the condition of Israel in the scriptures to America today. The verse says that they were weary, scattered and like sheep without a shepherd. Basically, they were struggling and had lost their way and the Lord was showing compassion to meet their need.

It seems today that America is struggling and has lost its way and the church has lost its compassion to meet the needs. The 4th of July that we will be celebrating this week, is a day to celebrate when America became a free nation with the freedom to worship the one and only true God without government mandates. Yet, we seem to put more emphasis on just a day off from work to enjoy hot dogs, apple pie, baseball, and fireworks. Maybe we need to move our freedom of worship back to the center stage of our lives!

Here’s what I see similar to Israel in these scriptures and America today:

  1. We need to be motivated by the needs of people.
    a. Compassion for the sick that need healing. (Physical Needs)
    b. Compassion for the suffering that need encouragement. (Emotional Needs)
    c. Compassion for the sinners that need salvation. (Spiritual Needs)
  2. We need to be mobilized to work for the Lord.
    a. To teach the truth of God’s word. (Speak truth)
    b. To preach the gospel of salvation. (Share salvation)
    c. To reach out to those in need. (Show compassion)

I believe the Lord wants us to be motivated by the needs of our country and the future of our children enough to be mobilized to make a difference where we live. Will you get motivated and mobilized and do what you can in the Lord’s harvest field?