When you arrive…
…park at the front of the building on the north side where there is visitor & handicap parking. Our greeters will be watching for you at the entrances. Any of our greeters will be happy to direct you to various areas such as Bible Study classes, Worship Center, Nurseries or Restrooms.
As you enter the Sanctuary…
…ushers will present you with a bulletin that we publish each week that outlines our ministry opportunities and upcoming events. Also, you will find a Welcome Card inside the bulletin so that you can request additional information about the church and provide us with information to get to know you better.
Our Sunday worship services & Bible study…
…Bible Study Classes (Life In The Word) begins at 10:00AM on Sunday mornings for all ages from birth to senior adult. Our Worship Services, Discover Church (ages 3-8) & Nurseries begins at 11:00AM. We have a Spirit filled music ministry consisting of a choir, praise team, and other talented musicians that lead our praise and worship. Although our music is somewhat blended, you will find it to be uplifting and more contemporary in style. We recommend allowing 1 ½ hours for your worship time with us.
Wednesday evening activities…
…all activities begin at 6:30PM with the youth (6th-12th grade) meeting upstairs with a dynamic time of worship and breakout sessions. Awana/Children (2yrs.-5th grade) activities start in the Worship Center and are dismissed after an opening session. Adults that are not involved with youth, children or CARE ministries will remain in the Worship Center for a time of worship & prayer. Nurseries are provided from birth up to 2yrs. All activities end at 8PM.