Posts by Bret Yaeger
When Good Doesn’t Seem Good Enough
Purpose In Our Pain
I’ve Learned I Can
Paul learned through his experiences that he could by trusting in God and His power and provisions. Whatever you are facing right now, let me tell you, you can! You just have to believe!
The Renewed Church
Maybe we need a little renewal and reviving in our lives and in our church! We need to pray that God will raise us up and resurrect His church!
Physical Obedience Brings Spiritual Release
How many times have you stood in this very church feeling the Holy Spirit run through and, just before a physical action took place, you stopped it–because you did not want to be the one? But, then when you left this church all you could think of was, “Man, I wish I would have gone to the altar. I wish I would have raised my hands to the Lord. I wish I would have said ‘amen.’ The Lord was leading me to move and I stood still.”?
Renewing Our Commitments
What has God spoken to you today that you need to Renew Your Commitments on from a scriptural point of view?
Renewing Our Joy: Choices We Make
Today is the day to choose whether your circumstances will be joy stealer or joy fillers.
Renewing Our Strength: Power To Press On
Are you going to continue on with the mindset that you have been set back or are you going to see it as a set up for something higher? God has a plan for you to not only survive but to thrive.