
Full Armor

Ephesians 6:10-20 (NKJV)

There have been some changes for 2019 to the body armor that soldiers wear in the military. Over the years there have been a lot of changes to the body armor to give the soldiers the best chance to stay alive and to win the battle. In Eph. 6, the Bible tells us about the armor that is available to us as Christians to protect us and to enable us to win the battles that we face. Let’s look at Eph. 6:10-20 and see what the full armor is that’s available to the Christian today and what we must know about the battle we are facing.

  1. We are fighting a real battle that WE CAN NOT AFFORD TO LOSE.
    A. We are fighting a spiritual battle and not a physical battle. We must realize that this is a totally different type of battle than we normally think of and it requires a different approach.
    B. Our enemy is not our spouse, our parents, our children or even our boss, so quit fighting them and start fighting the true enemy which is Satan and his demons.
  2. We have real armor that is THE ESSENTIALS FOR OUR DEFENSE.
    A. The belt of truth from which everything hangs and holds together securely. It’s the truth that gives us security.
    B. The breastplate of righteousness to protect our most vital organs like our heart. We must guard our hearts.
    C. Boots of the gospel to carry us through. The gospel is the foundation from which everything is built.
    D. Shield of faith to stop the oncoming attack of Satan. Faith that will not let the enemy get through.
    E. Helmet of salvation that protects and effects the way that we think and see things.
    F. Sword of the Spirit which is the word of God that is sharper than a two-edged sword that cuts to the bone. It’s our offensive weapon.
    G. Plan of prayer to accomplish the mission until we have the victory.
    A. Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. We can’t win in our own power, but we can and will in the power of the Lord.
    B. Put on the whole armor of God, not just part of it. Any missing part of our armor leaves us unprotected and open to defeat.

Do you understand who the real enemy is? Do you have your full armor on? If we are going to win the battles in our lives, we must put on our full armor and be strong in the Lord and the power of His might!

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