
Renewing Our Strength: Power To Press On

Is. 40:21-31 (NIV)

Have you ever felt like the storms of life have hit you so hard that you don’t feel like you can go on? Maybe even felt like God doesn’t seem to know what is going on in your life or doesn’t care. Where do we go when life seems too hard to bear?

In Isaiah 40, the Israelites are at the same point in life. They have been beaten up, their temple destroyed and submitted into Babylonian captivity. While this is going on, God seems totally out of touch. He doesn’t seem to even know what is going on or doesn’t care.

It’s in this chapter that God reveals the truth of His awareness and His ability to bring power to press on to victory.

Let’s look at Is. 40 and see what God has to say to us today.

  1. We need to understand that we are not alone, we have a helper.
    A. God is totally aware of everything that is going on in our lives. The scriptures tell us that he sets enthroned over the earth.
    B. God has total power to change everything in our lives. He gives strength to the weary and He will not let you faint.
  2. We need to understand that God has a better hope.
    A. God has the power to cause us to soar and not collapse. An eagle lets the winds of a storm to lift him to greater heights. That is what God wants to do in our lives. Storms can seem like a setback, but in reality, storms are a set up for something higher that God wants to do in our lives.
    B. God has the power to cause us to run and not fall to defeat. God is not limited in any way as we see limits. All things are possible with God.

Are you going to continue on with the mindset that you have been set back or are you going to see it as a set up for something higher? God has a plan for you to not only survive but to thrive.

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