
Modern Day Moses

Exodus 17: 8-13

I believe that our pastor is a modern day Moses but I believe that God also calls us to be “Modern day Moses” and lead people out of bondage and lead them to a life with God and lead them also to the “promised land flowing with milk and honey” (Exodus 33:3). The life with God is so much better than the life without God and we all need to try to lead people to that life.

  1. Moses had some people to call on to help fight the battle. Our pastor needs people that he can call on and so do we. (vs 9)
  2. Moses could have left the soldiers but he stayed with them during the battle. Our Pastor stays in our battles with us and we need to stay with people during their battles. (vs 9)
    • Any and all life battles (sickness, pain, destructive sin, family)
  3. Moses knew that he needed God’s help during the battle so he took the rod of God with him. (vs 9)
    1. We need to keep our rod of God with us during the battles.
    2. Bret knows he needs to be armed, so he prays every morning for 8:10-9:20 AM and know he prays for those going through battles.
  4. Aaron and Hur came up beside Moses to share his load. (vs 12)
    • Moses needed help and so do all of God’s people.
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