
What If I Really Loved The Lord?

John 14:15-21 (NKJV)

Many say that they love the Lord, but what do our actions say? Actions speak louder than words!

Jesus taught us, if we love Him, we would:

  1. Be faithful to His word. (That’s Obedience) John 14:15
  2. Be feeding His sheep. (That’s Serving) John 21:15-17
  3. Be following His will. (That’s Surrender) John 10:27
  4. Be loving and fellowshipping with Christians. (That’s Family) John 13:34-35
  5. Be putting Jesus first in everything. (That’s Priority) Col. 1:17-18

If actions speak louder than words, can everyone around me hear loud and clear, by my actions, that I love the Lord?

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