Join us this Sunday, March 4th, 2012 @ 6:00pm for Temple’s Youth Sunday!
Guest Singer – 11yr old – Ryleigh Ledofrd
Guest speaker – 12 yr. old – Bradley Stewart
The Youth & Children of Temple Baptist will also be doing special parts in the service as well. We will be having more of these events to encourage the youth to further learn and grow in Christ. Please come support the Youth in this event, you will be amazed…
But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. Mathew 19:14 KJV
Teresa SaylorI love the Lord & praise him for all that he is and all that he has done for me, my family, friends, & loved ones. I thank God for a praying mother who taught us about Christ from the cradle up and who's faith has made her whole and well. While battling cervical cancer and given only three months to live at age 32. The Lord said to her "Mother you will be alright and you will raise your six children" and she has done just that. She is now 83 and still cancer free... She always tells me that God does not do a half-way job. God healed my precious mother and kept this family together. We will Praise him always.
Our family motto is "Face life like an eagle with outstretched wings in time of a storm, sometimes we have learn to let go and let God take control."
May God Bless you all and keep you in his tender loving care always...